- our understanding of the relationship between CM and QM, and more specifically and necessarily between classical fields and quantum fields; and
- our understanding of quantum fields in the face of the mathematical ill-definedness of the theory, which requires that we regularize and renormalize integrals to give finite numbers.
First up, here's a summary, on page 209, that mentions both aspects above, the measurement problem and renormalization, and Sabine also admits that she actually does want a helping of beauty in her math when she's doing some physics:
Sabine's response to Xiao-Gang Wen's Qubit Lattice Theory is initially very negative, which I suppose is because there's only a bare minimum of mathematical beauty in it, but she gets over it a little when she understands that Xiao-Gang is trying to avoid renormalization. This is one of only two mentions of that dirty math question, on pages 192-3 (for the other, see below):
George Ellis addresses the measurement problem, which I read as being about fields, which maybe it isn't, but it makes me happy to think so, on page 217:
All of Chapter 6 is given over to the interpretation of QM (with, I think, essentially no mention, as George Ellis promised, of the measurement problem for QFT, despite Lost in Math being decidedly a QFT book), which explicitly considers this selection:
- Copenhagen
- Qubism
- de Broglie-Bohm
- Many-worlds
- Collapse
- "Quantum mechanics works great, but many physicists complain that it's unintuitive and ugly.
- Intuition can be built by experience, and quantum mechanics is a fairly young theory. Future generations may find it more intuitive.
- In the foundations of quantum mechanics too, it is unclear what is the actual problem that requires a solution.
- Maybe understanding quantum mechanics is just harder than we thought."
On page 29, Sabine notes that the unification of Heisenberg and Schrödinger was a big deal. That was done by Dirac and others pointing out that both are Hilbert space formalisms in which measurements are represented by operators:
So if one wanted to unify classical and quantum mechanics, a natural suggestion would be to present Classical Mechanics in a Hilbert space formalism, which was done by Koopman in 1931, and see just how close or how different CM and QM are, in detail. It turns out that one can construct isomorphisms both between the state spaces and between the operator spaces that represent measurements, so that if one has a measurement theory that one can live with for CM, the same measurement theory will work for QM (conversely, if you don't have anything you like for QM, the situation for CM is arguably just as bad.)
Now I'm gonna bang a drum. For these, see arXiv:1901.00526 (which is more elementary) and arXiv:1709.06711 (which discusses random fields and quantum fields, so it's harder math: also, assuming I can accommodate a referee's comments in the next two weeks, a version of this will appear in Physica Scripta in due course.) Sorry, but such a good story is barely to be found anywhere else, however you'll find in those two papers some references to some of the Koopman-von Neumann work by others, which has been slowly taking off since about 2000. Perhaps one of those references will excite you more than my own attempt to make the math as clear as I can.
Now I'm gonna bang a drum. For these, see arXiv:1901.00526 (which is more elementary) and arXiv:1709.06711 (which discusses random fields and quantum fields, so it's harder math: also, assuming I can accommodate a referee's comments in the next two weeks, a version of this will appear in Physica Scripta in due course.) Sorry, but such a good story is barely to be found anywhere else, however you'll find in those two papers some references to some of the Koopman-von Neumann work by others, which has been slowly taking off since about 2000. Perhaps one of those references will excite you more than my own attempt to make the math as clear as I can.
Yes, that's warm! Chaos in this kind of loose discussion is as much about whether the initial conditions are hot or cold, or if we think about the question in a more detailed way, it could be about the spectrum of measured values of the system at a given time or of statistics of measurements. Chaos used loosely is not different from noise used loosely. In any case, chaos/noise is not formless, there's mathematics we can do, including but not only statistics, to describe different kinds of chaos/noise. If we can modulate the chaos/noise, we can use it to send signals, to do other useful stuff, and generally we can think of everything we can do with it as signal analysis and signal processing.
The simplest mathematics we can use to construct powerful models of noise is a random variable and a probability distribution. More than that, we will want to model the chaos in different places, for which we use an indexed set of random variables, Fa, Fb, Fc, ..., which is usually called a random field. The a, b, c, ... can be anything that indicates what it is that is measured, including as many details about the different components of measurement apparatuses as are necessary for a full description.
Suppose we measure Fa, Fb, Fc, ... in intergalactic space, at the same place at one hour intervals. There's noise, so we won't measure the same value every time: assuming the results are all numbers, we can present the measurement results, when we have enough of them, in a bar graph and calculate mean values, the standard deviation, and other statistics. In an operator formalism, as in arXiv:1901.00526, we can write the mean values as ρ(Fa), ρ(Fb), ρ(Fc), ..., correlation functions as the mean values of products such as ρ(FaFb), and we can measure the mean values of any sums of products of the Fa, Fb, Fc, ..., up to any degree, ρ(FaFbFcFdFeFf⋅⋅⋅). All this is either classical or quantum, so far, depending on structural details.
There is a special idealized state, which is what we call ρ(⋅⋅⋅), the Gaussian state, for which ρ(Fa)=0, ρ(FaFb)=M(a,b), and all the higher functions can be written as a function of the matrix entries Mij=M(ai,aj), where we've given numbers to the a=a1,b=a2,c=a3, ..., and where the whole matrix M must be a positive semi-definite matrix. With this, we can construct a Hilbert space (using what is called the GNS-construction, after Gelfand-Naimark-Segal), which, if we make the a, b, c, ... and the M(⋅⋅⋅,⋅⋅⋅) just right, as in arXiv:1709.06711, can be either a random electromagnetic field or a quantized electromagnetic field, and we can construct isomorphisms between both the states and the measurements.
Warming up to it yet?
A Gaussian state is called a free quantum field in QFT. Interactions modify a Gaussian state, which is as idealized as a spherical cow, to be something different, closer to whatever the measured values are in that intergalactic place, closer to the real cow. Those measured values are whatever they are, and whatever theoretical ideal state we introduce has to come usefully close to matching them. Feynman integrals, and the regularization and renormalization scheme that makes them give finite values, give us one way to generate values for an idealized state ρ(FaFbFcFdFeFf⋅⋅⋅), with lattice QFT giving us another way (slightly less ugly than Xiao-Gang's Qubit Lattice Theory, but not by much, IMO), but since 1950 we have barely looked for an alternative to using an ill-defined Lagrangian density to describe how states should be different from the Gaussian state: time not exactly wasted, but we could have done more. It's comforting to think that virtual particles cause interactions between particles, but we could learn to love and intuitively use a different generating system for nontrivial states in a decade or two.
Sabine is very far indeed from being the only modern physicist not to care much about renormalization, but if she had interviewed Paul Dirac 40 years ago, she would have had more material than the few quotes on page 32 and have been more reluctant to say after two paragraphs, almost casually, "despite Dirac's disapproval, quantum electrodynamics is still part of the foundations of physics". She would have had an extra chapter about renormalization, and for me it's sad that she doesn't.
How, then, are we to avoid those infinities that have to be regularized and renormalized? We want a way to construct generating functions for an idealized state that gives us values for ρ(FaFbFcFdFeFf⋅⋅⋅) that are worth having for practical engineering. Since the 1950s, the starting point for this kind of thinking has been the Wightman axioms, which we can present, adapted from Rudolph Haag's book Local Quantum Physics, as:
I should be clear that I'm not a good enough mathematician to do what I want to do (or, at least, it takes me a very long time to do it). John Baez is, however, so you can go for a look at how he's been constructing functors, in a series of blog posts, between a restricted category of classical mechanical systems and a restricted category of quantum mechanical systems:
Part 1: the mystery of geometric quantization: how a quantum state space is a special sort of classical state space.
Part 2: the structures besides a mere symplectic manifold that are used in geometric quantization.
Part 3:
geometric quantization as a functor with a right adjoint,
‘projectivization’, making quantum state spaces into a reflective
subcategory of classical ones.
Part 4: making geometric quantization into a monoidal functor.
Part 5: the simplest example of geometric quantization: the spin-1/2 particle.
Part 6:
quantizing the spin-3/2 particle using the twisted cubic; coherent
states via the adjunction between quantization and projectivization.
Part 7:
the Veronese embedding as a method of ‘cloning’ a classical system, and
taking the symmetric tensor powers of a Hilbert space as the
corresponding method of cloning a quantum system.
Part 8: cloning a system as changing the value of Planck’s constant.
The simplest mathematics we can use to construct powerful models of noise is a random variable and a probability distribution. More than that, we will want to model the chaos in different places, for which we use an indexed set of random variables, Fa, Fb, Fc, ..., which is usually called a random field. The a, b, c, ... can be anything that indicates what it is that is measured, including as many details about the different components of measurement apparatuses as are necessary for a full description.
Suppose we measure Fa, Fb, Fc, ... in intergalactic space, at the same place at one hour intervals. There's noise, so we won't measure the same value every time: assuming the results are all numbers, we can present the measurement results, when we have enough of them, in a bar graph and calculate mean values, the standard deviation, and other statistics. In an operator formalism, as in arXiv:1901.00526, we can write the mean values as ρ(Fa), ρ(Fb), ρ(Fc), ..., correlation functions as the mean values of products such as ρ(FaFb), and we can measure the mean values of any sums of products of the Fa, Fb, Fc, ..., up to any degree, ρ(FaFbFcFdFeFf⋅⋅⋅). All this is either classical or quantum, so far, depending on structural details.
There is a special idealized state, which is what we call ρ(⋅⋅⋅), the Gaussian state, for which ρ(Fa)=0, ρ(FaFb)=M(a,b), and all the higher functions can be written as a function of the matrix entries Mij=M(ai,aj), where we've given numbers to the a=a1,b=a2,c=a3, ..., and where the whole matrix M must be a positive semi-definite matrix. With this, we can construct a Hilbert space (using what is called the GNS-construction, after Gelfand-Naimark-Segal), which, if we make the a, b, c, ... and the M(⋅⋅⋅,⋅⋅⋅) just right, as in arXiv:1709.06711, can be either a random electromagnetic field or a quantized electromagnetic field, and we can construct isomorphisms between both the states and the measurements.
Warming up to it yet?
A Gaussian state is called a free quantum field in QFT. Interactions modify a Gaussian state, which is as idealized as a spherical cow, to be something different, closer to whatever the measured values are in that intergalactic place, closer to the real cow. Those measured values are whatever they are, and whatever theoretical ideal state we introduce has to come usefully close to matching them. Feynman integrals, and the regularization and renormalization scheme that makes them give finite values, give us one way to generate values for an idealized state ρ(FaFbFcFdFeFf⋅⋅⋅), with lattice QFT giving us another way (slightly less ugly than Xiao-Gang's Qubit Lattice Theory, but not by much, IMO), but since 1950 we have barely looked for an alternative to using an ill-defined Lagrangian density to describe how states should be different from the Gaussian state: time not exactly wasted, but we could have done more. It's comforting to think that virtual particles cause interactions between particles, but we could learn to love and intuitively use a different generating system for nontrivial states in a decade or two.
Sabine is very far indeed from being the only modern physicist not to care much about renormalization, but if she had interviewed Paul Dirac 40 years ago, she would have had more material than the few quotes on page 32 and have been more reluctant to say after two paragraphs, almost casually, "despite Dirac's disapproval, quantum electrodynamics is still part of the foundations of physics". She would have had an extra chapter about renormalization, and for me it's sad that she doesn't.
How, then, are we to avoid those infinities that have to be regularized and renormalized? We want a way to construct generating functions for an idealized state that gives us values for ρ(FaFbFcFdFeFf⋅⋅⋅) that are worth having for practical engineering. Since the 1950s, the starting point for this kind of thinking has been the Wightman axioms, which we can present, adapted from Rudolph Haag's book Local Quantum Physics, as:
- A Hilbert space H supports a unitary representation of the Poincar é group; there is a unique Poincar é invariant vacuum state, of lowest energy.
- Quantum fields are operator-valued distributions, linear maps from a measurement description space (the a, b, c, ...) into operators Fa, Fb, Fc, ... in a 🟉-algebra A.
- Quantum fields support a nontrivial representation of the Poincaré group.
- Microcausality: commutativity at space-like separation (no faster-than-light signalling).
- Completeness: the action of the quantum field is irreducible (that is, states must be pure).
- Time-slice axiom (the state now determines the future state).
I should be clear that I'm not a good enough mathematician to do what I want to do (or, at least, it takes me a very long time to do it). John Baez is, however, so you can go for a look at how he's been constructing functors, in a series of blog posts, between a restricted category of classical mechanical systems and a restricted category of quantum mechanical systems:
Lovely! And completely out of my league: you can see me try to make a connection with his work in the comments, and fail and be batted down. I was sad😧! But I also think his approach is over-complicated: in all that formal structure you might not notice that he's constructing a new type of solution to the measurement problem. I also really hope he does field theories eventually, but he hasn't yet gotten to them.
I am curious about how theorists think about Haag's theorem. It is mentioned in Sabine's book just in a remark, but her interview with Weinberg sounds to me as if he thinks it as an important issue.
Good question. I can't find any reference to Haag's theorem in the index or by reading through Sabine's interview with Weinberg, so I think I have to take it from scratch.
The short answer is that for anyone interested in foundations of QFT, Haag's theorem is an issue, but for practical Feynman integral calculations, it's not.
If you haven't seen them, I recommend the two references I cite in my arXiv:1507.08299: [1] Fraser, D. (2006). Haag’s Theorem and the Interpretation of Quantum Field Theories with Interactions. Ph.D. thesis. U. of Pittsburgh. [http://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/8260/] and [2] Earman, J. & Fraser, D. (2006). Haag’s Theorem and its Implications for the Foundations of Quantum Field Theory. Erkenntnis 64, 305. [http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/2673/]"
I personally take Haag's theorem to say that the Wightman axioms, which is the context in which Hagg's theorem is proved, are too tightly drawn for them to have interacting models, in the sense that we would start with a state in the in-Hilbert space of the free field, slowly turn on interactions, wait an infinite time, then slowly turn off interactions, and end up with a state in the out-Hilbert space of the free field that is different from what we started with. Looked at as the Emperor's clothes, this seems ridiculous, because CERN definitely isn't infinite in extent or duration, but that's what the S-matrix is about.
Again personally, we should be more concerned about investigating the near field, which for HEP is at nanometer to attometer scales, with as much precision as possible, instead of investigating only the far field, which at CERN is at the centimeter to dekameter scale of the bunch geometry and the ATLAS and CMS detectors (that particle accelerators only investigate the far field is what justifies saying that for HEP the S-matrix is the only thing that can be measured). As far as the theory is concerned, that requires us to loosen the Wightman axioms a little (or replace them completely, but it seems that we have to use statistics and that pushes us towards something approximately like what I've outlined above). This requires some hard thinking about how to construct an apparatus that can investigate the near field.
Looking again at Sabine's record of her interview with Weinberg, I see that he does mention anomalies on page 98, which are associated with regularization and renormalization, but I've never seen a way to address foundations of QFT through that association. He's also concerned about naturalness, which for me, once the Wightman axioms have been weakened, is as it would be for a classical physicist, a contingent fact of the matter for a model and for the world that the model is intended to approximate (which I think is approximately how Sabine sees it).
Peter, AI can measure Planck's constant whenever it instructs itself to, itself, with a light emitting diode (LED) circuit, because E = hf.
As far as emergence is concerned, have you read the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics Laureate Professor Robert Laughlin's emergence essay?
Emergence Essay -PDF Format-
As for isomorphysm, Minkowski space time is based on an inflationary error discovered by carefully observing the Hubble space telescope's gravitational redshift measurement data.
As for quantum vacuum fluctuations, in all due honesty, I am still pondering about it.
Hi, Rickey. I at least have a copy of Laughlin's book, "A Different Universe: reinventing physics from the bottom down", and I certainly intend to take the sorts of issues he's addressing very seriously, even though I'm mostly working more in a paradigm of random and quantum fields and of CM/QM. Working with random and quantum fields as a signal analysis formalism, using test functions (which I prefer to call modulation functions, window functions, or sampling functions) gives me mathematical tools that are more effective for describing strong emergence than are common in QFT. A given test function can be a multi-scale object, allowing us to describe, for example, the size and detailed geometry of a circulating bunch at CERN as well as the wave numbers that are the commonplace spherical cow of particle physics. There are consequences of the mathematics in my arXiv:1507.08299 that I think are interestingly comparable to strong emergence. In due course I hope to see what I and much better mathematicians than I am will be able to do with that viewpoint.
Thanks for the link to Gunnar Pruessner at Imperial, Rickey. A very interesting couple of pages. I gather that the PDF at the link you sent me, http://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~pruess/publications/emergence_essay.pdf, has not been published, but it's really nicely done. I particularly like the clarity with which he describes the difference between weak and strong emergence.
I'm just a mathematical modeller, Rickey, so the isomorphisms I speak of are between different mathematical models. I concern myself a little with the contact that mathematics might or might not make with raw experimental data, but I try not to worry about and not to make wild assertions about what the world is really like, whether it has a purpose, et cetera. I like to have lots of types of models in hand, and to understand the relationships between them as clearly as possible. When models are not exactly the same, I like to characterize the differences between them as clearly as my small brain can manage. You're right, of course, and I know very well, that the universe is not a quantum vacuum on a background Minkowski space, but that's the first approximation I've chosen to use for now, my spherical cow pro tem. QFT gives us some quite effective ways to deform (or, rather, wearing my signal analysis hat, modulate) the quantum vacuum so we can work with not quite spherical cows, but it does not give us ways to deform the background Minkowski space. If I live long enough, perhaps I'll start thinking more about what the universe might be like near a black hole, but I think that for me that is to try to run before I can walk. Of course it's a problem for this perspective that we can't actually go to intergalactic space to work with everything except gravity, and that we can't shield gravity so that it's just as if we were in intergalactic space, but, for better or worse, I'm working with the everything-but-gravity mathematics as if we can compensate well enough for the effects of gravity on an experiment in the mathematics. One has to choose a ground to stand on.
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